Chloe Negron 

In the summer of 2017, nclud engaged in a partnership with SEIA, the Solar Energy Industries Association, to modernize their site and update the brand as they position themselves for growth for the future.

In the Discovery phase of the project, we quickly discovered that this incredibly talented team of experts was responsible for a tremendous amount of production work. Their site needed to be simpler, and their job did, too. And through audience research, we heard that users needed quick access to resources, jobs, events, and issue areas.

To begin to contextualize information architecture, I created a quick and dirty sitemap sketch, and animated it to show added layers of complexity and decision trees that indicated the user flow.

From there, I categorized all existing content into new, more appropriate buckets, by what we knew users were looking for. This sitemap contained content hubs and laid out a content key for internal stakeholders to contextualize each page utility. This key also expedited the content migration process.

We then created a template and module design system for their content-heavy site, with a UX focus on content type identification. The SEIA team really needed our help to reorganize their site structure, and so we created a solution that would maximize the efficiency for their internal content production teams while providing clear tasks in a seamless flow for users.

To see nav explorations, check out how we explored tiers and steps using Invision.

Oh yeah, and check out our live labor of love!

Copyright 2018, Chloe Negron